Random Thoughts !!!!!!!!!!

When I say…
I mean it…
If the situation demands I can do it…
I haven’t any notion of doing things by halves…
I don’t believe in making relations for only time pass…
Either for forever…
Or I’ll say never…
I believe it is better to choose a side…
I don’t want it to be vitrified…
Everything will follow a pace…
A limit of time to win their race…
Be it now or never…
Glorify it…
And, do a favor…
We are warriors, so behave like a savior…
Don’t wait so long that you can never return…
If you want it…
Then hold on…
Otherwise, you should make a turn…
And, please for god shake…
Don’t lose your grace…
C’mon be brave…
And, handle your case…
That too with a smiling face …